General Information
Full Name | Wang Banban 王班班 |
Pronoun | no pronoun / him / his |
Date of Birth | 17.01.1994 |
Languages | Mandarin, English, German, French, Italian, Japanese |
Contact |[at] |
2019 - 2023
Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg, Seminar für Alte Geschichte und Epigraphik
- »Epigrpahic Life of Monuments–Epigraphic Landscape and Material Text Culture in Hellenistic Delphi« (working title).
- Greek Epigraphy and its Materiality in the sanctuary of Delphi, 346–27 BCE.
Supervised by
- Prof.Dr. Kai Trampedach.
- Dr. Anna Sitz.
2017 - 2019
MA Research
Universiteit Leiden, Institute for History
- cum laude.
- Ancient History, with a focus on epigraphy and numismatics
2012 - 2016
BA History
Peking University, Yuanpei College/Dept. of History
- World History + Chinese History.
- BA Thesis on Early Greek Christianity.
- with a special focus on historical theory.
2019 - 2023
Research associate
Collaborative Research Centre 933 'Material Text Culture'
- Working on the presence of texts in Greek sanctuaries.
- Collaboration in the 'Theme field'
Herrschaft und Verwaltung (Rulership and Administration)
- collective writing of a chapter in the Abschlussband
2014 - 2015
Teaching and administration assistance
Peking University
Attic Inscriptions in Delphi
- Collaborations with Attic Inscriptions Online on Attic texts in Delphi. I work on inscriptions for the second Pythaïs (128/7 BCE).
Summer 2022
Korrespondenz zwischen Königen und Städten, Texte und Materialität
Seminar für Alte Geschichte und Epigraphik, Uni-Heidelberg
- BA-1/2 Reading course (Quellenübung).
Summer 2022
Griechische Bundesstaaten
Seminar für Alte Geschichte und Epigraphik, Uni-Heidelberg
- BA-3 Research seminar
Academic Interests
Greek epigraphy
- Material aspects of inscriptions
- Hellenistic and Late Antiquity
- Digital epigraphy
Social history
- Greek slavery
- Foreigners in ancient cities
Reception history
- Graeco-Roman antiquity and colonialism
- Comparative history
Historical theory and philosophy of history
- Historical representation
- Narrative and historicity
Societal Interests
- against racism in academic sphere
- help in tackling anti-Asian racism
- allyship
Critical masculinity
- intersectionality